Case Experience

experience where it matters.

Empirical Creative’s Jury Consultants and Graphic Designers have spent over the last 15 years working intensely with clients to obtain favorable outcomes in a broad range of high-stakes litigation matters. Our clients include many top-tier law firms, and the cases we have consulted on include some of the most noted civil and criminal matters in recent history. Our dedication to independent thinking, sound research principles and creative, yet practical trial strategy, jury selection and persuasive graphics advice makes us highly-sought after in the industry.

“Jim and Dave were excellent in assessing trial themes, creating appropriate graphics, and providing meticulous research about prospective juror types. They immediately became part of the trial team and worked seamlessly with us to plan critical mock trials and then evaluations. Their ability to understand the nuances of our defense and to translate those positions into simple arguments was exceptional. Don’t go to trial without them!”


Latham & Watkins LLP